Challenges 1

My greatest challenges lie in the process of collecting market information and determining target markets. This was one of the primary issues my group had while developing the first part of our Market Planning assignment. It sounds simple, but it presented difficulties for us. While conducting research, we came across many conflicting studies and it was difficult to determine what information was credible and what was not. This area of difficulty was clearly pointed out in the feedback we received on our Market Planning assignment.

To address these challenges, I need to spend more time researching sources to determine their credibility. As a group, we ended up rushing to finish up our assignment by the due date. While we presented quality work, we did not have as much time as we needed to look thoroughly into the sources we researched. Choosing target markets is a crucial step in market planning and it requires a great deal of research and approving sources.

I am a very visual and kinesthetic learner, so I value visual representations of marketing information, group projects, and class discussions. Applying marketing concepts to real-life companies and situations helps me to understand it in a practical sense. The company cases are very useful examples of relating concepts to real situations.

Below is a link to the first part of my group’s Market Planning assignment with feedback from our instructor.

Market Planning Assignment_Part 1_Group 2

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