
Personal Values

Throughout life, I have come to recognize that I enjoy being a leader. The primary influence for my decision to major in Business Administration was my passion for leadership. Over the course of the semester, in my Fundamentals of Marketing class, we were required to complete a significant amount of group work. This gave me the chance to practice my leadership skills and determine if I had chosen the right path for myself. I acted as a leader in my group in terms of dividing tasks, maintaining communication, and ensuring quality. Overall, we were extremely successful as a group, which made me proud of my teammates and myself as the leader. Our lowest grade, as a group, was an 88.6%. The processes of developing our practicum and our market planning assignment solidified my enjoyment of leadership and made me more confident that I made the right decision to major in Business Administration.

Career Goals

After college, I would like to start my business career in marketing. This marketing class was a great way for me to begin learning about the core principles of marketing and how they affect business. After working in marketing and saving money, I would like to open my own restaurant in Berkeley, California. Learning about the fundamentals of marketing will help me to plan for the challenge of opening a restaurant. Through the market planning assignment, I realized how difficult it is to launch a new product, acquire customers, and earn profit. Although we used the iPhone K for our project, there are many similar factors in the planning process when it comes to opening a restaurant. I learned how strong my passion is for pursuing a career in the restaurant industry.

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